Our Price: (Dealers Only)

Shipping and Billing Address Policy

We Are Taking Measures To Protect Your Information

Unfortunately, our information is vulnerable to more nefarious agencies than ever before. We want the customers we serve to have peace at mind when shopping with us. Here at Panther, we believe you need to protect yourself against scams like phishing, spam and more.

As of July 20th, 2021, we are taking measures to safeguard your identity, sensitive information and money. We have noticed an increase in fraudulent purchases so we are implementing a Credit Authorization Form for ALL CUSTOMERS WHOSE BILLING AND SHIPPING ADDRESS ARE NOT THE SAME.


If you have a billing address and a shipping address that are different. You WILL BE GETTING A CALL OR EMAIL FROM US ASKING TO VERIFY YOUR IDENTITY AND PURCHASE. NO EXCEPTIONS. Follow the instructions in the call or email you received to verify your identity and your order will be processed and shipped. All Panther Trading Company / Panther Wholesale correspondence will be identified as such with our name.

Data breaches as a result of criminal activity is something we take seriously. Please report if your identity or sensitive information has been stolen to your local authorities and let us know so we can take the proper action on our end. Please bear with us as we take action to protect you.